A former plastic manufacturing business located in industrial Philipstown, All Plastics was originally leased by Nick O’Keefe of The Undercurrents some time in the 2000’s. O’Keefe, along with his band members (which included local sound-men Marcus Winstanley and Mikey Summerfield, plus Phantom Billstickers‘ Jamey Holloway) began using the site as a recording studio and practice space.
O’Keefe eventually moved out of the premise, with Summerfield the prime occupant for a period – during this time more and more groups (Doctors, BnP, The Palace of Wisdom, Shacklock Meth Party) started using both the recording and practice facilities.
Several house-party type shows were put on both inside and outside the studio space, before the last occupant (Rhett Copland of Doctors etc) left around 2013.
Location: 430 Tuam Street, Philipstown
Phillipstown, Christchurch 8011, New Zealand
Current Status: No longer a venue/studio
Active as a live music venue: 2004 – 2012
All-Ages: House-Parties
2004: Nick O’Keefe of the Undercurrents rents the former plastics factory at 430 Tuam Street, starting construction of a home studio to record his groups material.
2007: Mikey Summerfield (also of the Undercurrents) moves in, becoming the main occupant. More bands begin using the practice and recording space, and subsequently house parties with live music are held at the site.
2012: Rhett Copland (the last occupant) moves out.