The Flamin’ Werepigs were a gritty 3-piece garage-rock outfit from Mid-Late 1990’s Palmerston North who got a couple of recordings put out by Kato Records thanks to pestering label head-honcho Andrew Tolley:
Boris T. Boar, vocalist and guitarist for the Flamin’ Werepigs, came into possession of a bag of “dodgy porn” dumped in his yard. Having noticed Tolley’s request for “demos, money or porn” in the Drool Pool and remembering that Werepigs bassist Reverend Pune owned a fax machine, a course of action became obvious to him. “Over a weekend we managed to fire enough filth down the line to fill his wee office, shortly after this he offered us a 7” if the porn stopped so we carried out several more fax attacks.” The attacks were tempered with some restraint. “At least we didn’t send him the geriatric stuff,” reflects Boar.
From AudioCulture’s profile of Kato Records

Both Kato releases feature distinctive hand-drawn art work by Rob Haakman (aka Rock Hardman of Christchurch group Ape Management).
- Mardy Streater (aka Reverend Pardy Pune, Vortex Victims, The Flamin’ Werepigs, bass)
- Luke Badger (aka Sowboy Badger, The Ashvins, Ekul And Nad, drums)
- Paul Morris (aka Boris T. Boar, Blunt, Ethiopian Lard Farmers, guitar / vocals)
- ‘Sweet Rosalie’ / ‘Suit Wearin’ Kin’ / ‘Swamplicken Blues’ 7″ single (1996, Kato Records, KATO6)
- Live Like Arse cassette (2000?, Stink Magnetic, MAG14)
- Hellway to High (2002, Kato Records, KR002)