Studio-based out fit created by Michael Weston (Crystal Zoom) with contributions from John Payne (Hallelujah Picassos), James Pinker (latter-era Gordons) and Johny Fleury (The Idles) who released an EP on Flying Nun Records in the late 80’s, along with visual material on Westons’ own Seed label.
Weston created releases (both musical and visual) as art compositions – and as such Black Girls Machine had a number of video releases and other visual components.
- Michael Weston (1986 – 1989)
- John Payne (Keyboards, 1986 – 1988)
- James Pinker (Drums, 1986 – 1988)
- Johny Fleury (Chapman Stick, 1986 – 1988)
- Esoterror 12″ EP (1989, Flying Nun Records, FN111)