A one-off return to more caustic noisy sounds from Nick Hodgson (The Shocking Pinks). Black Albino was the name of a trio Hodgson fronted as guitarist for a single show in 2004 (alongside Leper Ballet, Die! Die! Die! and touring US duo Hawnay Troof).
The show reunited last-generation Incisions members Tim McDonald (Drums) and Karl Jensen (Bass) for a balls-to-the-wall explosion of noise – excellent stuff and an indication of what Hodgson can do given the context.
- Nick Hodgson (Urinator, Medrum, Deplore, Cubicle, Deface, Crone, Solaa, Hiatus, CM Ensemble, CM Acoustic Ensemble, Tony Valens and the Incisions, The Palace of Wisdom, Shocking Pinks, Black Albino, Moider Mother, guitar)
- Tim McDonald (Hiatus, CM Ensemble, CM Acoustic Ensemble, Tony Valens and the Incisions, The Palace of Wisdom, Shocking Pinks, Black Albino, drums)
- Karl Jensen (Tony Valens and the Incisions, Shocking Pinks, Black Albino, bass)
- Photos from September 2004 (Flickr)