jordan luck’s insistent pub band – born out of the south island port town of timaru and forged through beer and indulgence, there was never ever an exponents song that couldn’t be sung in a drunken haze with a million other plebs while drooling over the rugby. needless to say, i hate the fuckin’ band, and everything else that luck has ever touched. they toured for years and went through a huge range of members, including: david gent, brian jones, steve cowan, martin morris, michael harralambi, chris sheehan, mike seymour and (of all people) eddie rayner. they broke up in the mid 80s, but reformed without the ‘dance’ at the front of their name in the early 90s, and their recordings got even more stale and self-celebratory.
picks in bold
- prayers be answered [1983 mushroom SMX61130]
- live at mainstreet [1983 w/ the legionnaires mushroom L38017]
- expectations [1985 mushroom ISMX65427]
- amplifier [1986 zulu ZPL001]
- the exponents [1992 mercury]
- erotic ep [1992 mercury 864 775-2]
- something beginning with c [1992 polygram]
- grassy knoll [1994 phonogram 522913-2]
- like she said ep [1994 polygram]
- once bitten, twice bitten [1995 warner 0630 12558 / 2]
awards etc
rianz awards 1982
- most promising group of the year – dance exponentsrn
rianz awards 1984
- album of the year prayers be answeredrn
- top male vocalist of the year jordan luckrn
rianz awards 1991
- single of the year why does love do this to me?rn
- top male vocalist of the year jordan luckrn
rianz awards 1996
- top group of the year the exponentsrn