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The Stumps

The Stumps are the New Zealand superspawn of Antony Milton (Pseudoarcana, The Nether Dawn, Etc), Stephen Clover (Seht), and James Kirk (Sandoz Lab Technicians, Gate etc). With a laundry list of individual accomplishments preceding them, “Lost Weekends” brings high expectations. Compared to such seminal acts as Acid Mothers Temple and Fushitusha, these kiwis have their own twist in their psychedelic cosmic explorations. They are robust and powerful; an exciting and often overwhelming listening experience. It’ll burn out your eardrums and douse the flames in hot wax. But fear not, within these methodic blasts are moments of icy calm. Underneath all this chaos is a relaxed thread, keeping some semblance of order intact.
Foxy Digitalis


  • Lost Weekend Cd-R [2006 Foxglove Foxglove121]
  • The Black Wood [2007 Last Visible Dog]
  • Split Fleet Dodge Lp [2007 Palindrone]


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