A short-lived super-group of sorts featuring martin phillips, david kilgour, noel ward, alan starrett and mike dooley.
- Martin Phillips (The Same, The Chills, Time Flies, Pop Art Toasters, Martin and the Moondogs, David Kilgour and the Heavy Eights, vocals / guitar / keyboards)
- David Kilgour (The Clean, The Chills, Time Flies, The Great Unwashed, Pop Art Toasters, Stephen, The Jessels, guitar / piano / vocals)
- Noel Ward (Strangeloves, David Kilgour and the Heavy Eights, Pop Art Toasters, Lanky, Snakedog, bass / guitar)
- Alan Starrett (Martin And The Moondogs, Mink, Pop Art Toasters, The Magick Heads, Waste The Earth, keyboards / viola)
- Mike Dooley ($100 Band, Pop Art Toasters, Snapper, The Dri Horrors, The Enemy, Toy Love, The Snares, drums)
- Pop Art Toasters EP (1994, Flying Nun Records, FN288)