highly political, yet brilliantly melodic and evocative all-maori band focused on pacific style guitar and percussion (and ever changing line-up included dilworth karaka, charles, tumahai, thom nepia, morrie watene, tama lundon, gordon joll and tama renata). infamously released the killer single ‘french letter’ in response to the rainbow warrior debacle of 1985 (french operative’s bombed the kiwi-manned greenpeace boat, killing several of its inhabitants), all in the name of frances attempts to perform nuclear tests in the south pacific. they went on to collaborate with dave dobbyn in the animated feature ‘footrot flats’ and released 4 albums between 1981 and 1987.
picks in bold
- what be happen? [1981 warrior]
- light of the pacific [1985 warrior]
- sensitive to a smile [1987 warrior]
- homegrown [1987 tribal]
- the very best of [compilation 2002]
awards etc
rianz awards 1985
- polynesian recording of the year long agorn
rianz awards 1986
- international achievement of the year herbsrn
rianz awards 1987
- album if the year sensitive to a smilern
- best music video sensitive to a smilern
- songwriter of the year charles tumahai / dilworth karakarn
- polynesian recording of the year e papa / jah knowsrn
rianz awards 1988
- top group of the year herbsrn
rianz awards 1990
- polynesian recording of the year homegrownrn