i don’t know what to say about goldenhorse. as a fan of geoff maddock’s previous bizarre tour-de-force bressa creeting cake i was disappointed to see him retreat to the relatively ‘safe’ goldenhorse – a band that draws lavish attention, yet fails to deliver its promise on its debut album (its not that the album isn’t pleasant, its just that they’re probably capable of so much more). see the attention has switched to vocal focus point kirstin morelle, a talented, playful vocalist fronting a group of musicians 10 years her senior, which could be mistaken for nothing more than a session musician backing band. gah… i dunno, proove me wrong.
the auckland-based duo of maddock and kristin are flanked by ben king (guitar), vincent hine (bass) and ben collier (drums). the album was the slowest ascending sleeper hit in new zealand’s pop history, taking the better part of 2 years to climb to the top of the new zealand album charts as lead single ‘maybe tommorrow’ started appearing as an advertising favorite, and the band had fully crossed over into an adult contemporary market.
picks in bold
- ‘golden dawn’ cd single [2002 siren 5512200]
- riverhead [2002/3/4 siren SRN9001]
- ‘wake up brother’ cd single [2003 siren 5527890]
- ‘maybe tommorrow’ cd single [2003 siren GOLDPRO1]
- out of the moon [2005 capitol 8734592]