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Failsafe Recordings

Desperate Measures

Desperate Measures were Christchurch’s answer to pop punk, a couple of years after the whole Sex Pistol thing, but they were fun and had a few good songs for all the punk posturing. They had a reasonably heavy following, or it seemed so at the time.
– Rob Mayes


Biography Christchurch based three piece featuring Failsafe’s Rob Maye, Kevin Stokes and Stephen Birss. The band was formed out of the ashes of 1986 – 87 band Heartland featuring all three members. Birss and Stokes going on to work on My… Read More »Dolphin

Semi Lemon Kola

Auckland based outfit started their time at the end of the eighties with a post shoe-gazey british sound. The band featured Tosh Graham – vocals, Rob Young – bass, Deryck Hunt – drums, Gareth Price – guitar. The band have… Read More »Semi Lemon Kola


Also known as Eskimo Biography Formed in 2004, Eskimo marked Dave Mulcahy‘s return to the Christchurch music scene, after playing in Superette and solo up north. Playing guitar and singing, Mulcahy was flanked by Rob Mayes (Dolphin, the Failsafe label… Read More »Kimo


delphy sprung into existence after members kevin stokes – guitar/vocals, rob mayes – bass/guitar, and tracy thompkins – drums, decided to change their name from dolphin due to the number of london based bands with that word in their name.… Read More »Delphy