Stephen Clover – who also released lathe cut albums under the names Logstore and the Longshoremen. Yet another of the post H-Corp NZ bands that have risen in the aftermath of the mid-90’s free noise frenzy. Seht is much more… Read More »Seht
Stephen Clover – who also released lathe cut albums under the names Logstore and the Longshoremen. Yet another of the post H-Corp NZ bands that have risen in the aftermath of the mid-90’s free noise frenzy. Seht is much more… Read More »Seht
The Stumps are the New Zealand superspawn of Antony Milton (Pseudoarcana, The Nether Dawn, Etc), Stephen Clover (Seht), and James Kirk (Sandoz Lab Technicians, Gate etc). With a laundry list of individual accomplishments preceding them, “Lost Weekends” brings high expectations.… Read More »The Stumps