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Christchurch-based shoegazey indie-rock group that started out as a studio project but became a fairly successful touring group with 2 albums and an EP on band member Rob Mayes Failsafe Recordings.


Biography Formed in late 1993 by Rob Mayes, Springloader was principally a vehicle for Mayes own compositions, predominantly melodic based indie rock, combining the pop of Mayes previous outing in Throw, coupled with the heavy leanings of Dolphin, and a… Read More »Springloader


Biography Formed in 1994 the four piece Chicane rapidly gained a strong following in their home town of Christchurch. The band features the vocal and guitar talents of Dean Chiplin who was last seen on the Failsafe Records label on the… Read More »Chicane


Also known as Eskimo Biography Formed in 2004, Eskimo marked Dave Mulcahy‘s return to the Christchurch music scene, after playing in Superette and solo up north. Playing guitar and singing, Mulcahy was flanked by Rob Mayes (Dolphin, the Failsafe label… Read More »Kimo


Biography Originally performed as Art and Duty, a name borrowed from Wellington band Beat Rhythm Fashion‘s song of the same name. The band comprised of Andrew Naylor, Rob Kitson (also Of Clients), Rob Mayes (Dolphin, Throw, Springloader), Rick Tindall (Johnnies)… Read More »AD

Belle Motions

Biography The Belle Motions were a fine pop blast, strongly melodic and guitar led. They didn’t make much of an impact locally but I remember enjoying the chiming guitar tones and melodies of this band. The band played with guitars… Read More »Belle Motions

Failsafe Records

Biography Rob Mayes’ mighty Failsafe Records, a committed independent label that is as part of Christchurch as a warm Nor-Wester. The original home of many Christchurch bands who went on to big things, as well as a great many undiscovered… Read More »Failsafe Records