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The Chills

The Chills, led by Martin Phillips, were a seminal New Zealand band central to the Dunedin Sound. Formed in 1980. Despite struggles, including the death of drummer Martyn Bull and Phillips’ drug dependency and health issues, they continued producing acclaimed albums until Phillips’ unexpected passing in 2024.

#thechills #martinphillips #nzmusic

The Rainy Days

Eclectic Auckland group with a revolving line-up based around the song-writing talents of David Graham. Their music has pushed and pulled in various different directions over the years, from punky rock’n’roll to encompass full horn sections and strings, to stripped back indie-rock line-ups. Their songs just explode with melody, crazy lyrics and noisy enthusiasm.

#nzmusic #therainydays

Straitjacket Fits

Straitjacket Fits were a corner stone in New Zealand independent rock from their formation in 1986 till their inevitable break-up in February 1994. Though predominantly a kiwi indie-rock group, they were at times dissonant (and incredibly loud), hiding their delicate… Read More »Straitjacket Fits

The Axel Grinders

The Axel Grinders were a hard-edged rock’n’roll group with touch of humour, formed by future King Loser members Celia Patel (aka Celia Mancini), Pat Faigan (Duane Zarakov) and Martin Henderson (Brother Love), with John Markie (John Segovia) and Phil Ascott. Their recordings were finally made freely available in 2014.

#nzmusic #theaxelgrinders #kingloser

Little Stevie McCabe

Little Stevie McCabe has been an underground force in New Zealand music since the early 80s, playing n anarchic form of Rock’N’Roll through a variety of bands – most notably as a key member of The Axemen.

However as a solo musician McCabe was hyper-productive, and when he passed away recently (September 2023) he left behind some 300 unreleased cassette recordings.

#nzmusic #littlesteviemccabe #theaxemen


Shaft is the long-standing vehicle of prominent song-writer Bob Cardy (aka Bob Brannigan), guitarist for the Axemen and a stalwart of the New Zealand underground scene. With a rotating cast of musicians backing him, Shaft always sounds like Shaft; a terrific band brimming with brilliant, dynamic and catchy songs.

The Vacuum

A formative group for 2 significant groups in New Zealand music – The Terminals song-writing duo of Peter Stapleton and Stephen Cogle, and Bilders duo Bill Direen and Allan Meek. Though a fairly significant group at the time, their recordings were sparse.


Biography Originally called Youth For Christ, just to piss off the local Christians, the band got told to change their name…. Or else. Their line-up was three piece, no guitar. Bassist/vocals – Johnathon Ogilvie, bassist/vocals – Grant Horsnell, and drummer… Read More »YFC

Robert Cardy

Biography Bob Cardy has a long history of making lo-fi, shambolic and DIY rock music. From the early days of post-Vacuum Blue Ladder Christchurch with the infamous Axemen (then known as Bob Brannigan), through to the eventual rise of Shaft in… Read More »Robert Cardy

The Axemen

A well-known, yet thoroughly underground troop that often swelled in numbers (sometimes up to as many as 10 members in the mid 1980’s). The group have been known for their artistic endeavours as well as their music.

#nzmusic #theaxemen

The Renderers

The Renderers are New Zealand’s prime example of southern-fried country, and are indeed one of our finest ever bands. Brian Crook formed the Renderers with his partner Maryrose in early 90’s Christchurch when The Max Block failed to go anywhere,… Read More »The Renderers


Dating way back to the early 80s when still in university, Voom have been the duo of Andrew Buzz Moller and Andrew Mac Mackaskill. It took a heck of a long time before much actually emerged from the band, with… Read More »Voom

The Situations

Biography Formerly known as Devil Gate Drive, The Situations are a young South Auckland rock’n’roll 4-piece comprised of Glen, Stu, Sam and Brad. They got a lot of exposure New Zealand wide due to the 2004 Schools Tour, then promptly… Read More »The Situations