LIVE: 47 Diamantes with Tommy Ill and Shorty K
Flashback to January 29th, 2011 with a terrific, off-beat show from 47 Diamantes, Tommy Ill and Shorty K at Goodbye Blue Monday.
#nzmusic #livemusic #musicphotography #47diamantes #tommyill #shortyk
Flashback to January 29th, 2011 with a terrific, off-beat show from 47 Diamantes, Tommy Ill and Shorty K at Goodbye Blue Monday.
#nzmusic #livemusic #musicphotography #47diamantes #tommyill #shortyk
Sadly defunct fun surf-guitar trio from Christchurch who released a handful of live recordings on BandCamp before moving on.
Cartel was a tiny, hidden away cocktail bay crammed into His Lordship’s Lane, what was (along with the adjacent SOL Square) a very hip art of Christchurch prior to the Canterbury Earthquakes. Run by Johnny Moore there were regular performers just about every night it was open, despite there not being enough room for a stage.
Biography Ya-Ya was a popular, mellow place to hang-out. Though it only ran for a couple years in Poplar lanes, it managed to house at least one Craftwerk – a super-fun regular event show-casing live bands along with hand-made crafts,… Read More »Goodbye Blue Monday
Note: This is a work in progress and will have additional content added both in the Map (i.e. venue images) or in the body of this post (i.e. a list of the venues in questioned, grouped by status etc). Feel… Read More »Christchurch Venue Map