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8 Living Legs

Phantom Forth

Phantom Forth was a post-punk trio from Auckland who released an EP on Flying Nun in 1984 – their sound was influenced by excellent Scottish group Young Marble Giants. Formed by Paul Luker who went on to form side-project This is Heaven and the DIY cassette label Industrial Tapes.

#nzmusic #phantomforth

8 Living Legs

Short lived flying nun band who contributed a brilliant track to the last rhumba compilation (a live single-night recording on flying nun), and split an ep with flak in 1984. In 2005 the failsafe label released ‘false sense of security’… Read More »8 Living Legs


Biography Early Flying Nun Records band who’s sole (commercial) release was a split EP with 8 Living Legs that had major production issues (the Australian printing press accidentally dropped the first song! – as documented in Matthew Bannisters’ Positively George… Read More »Flak

Flying Nun Records

The independent label that put New Zealand Music on the map. From Roger Shephard’s formation of the label in 1980 through to now, Flying Nun has been a mark of creative, quirky, inventive music with a distinct kiwi flavor.

Failsafe Records

Biography Rob Mayes’ mighty Failsafe Records, a committed independent label that is as part of Christchurch as a warm Nor-Wester. The original home of many Christchurch bands who went on to big things, as well as a great many undiscovered… Read More »Failsafe Records