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This Cage


Biography Originally called Youth For Christ, just to piss off the local Christians, the band got told to change their name…. Or else. Their line-up was three piece, no guitar. Bassist/vocals – Johnathon Ogilvie, bassist/vocals – Grant Horsnell, and drummer… Read More »YFC

The Renderers

The Renderers are New Zealand’s prime example of southern-fried country, and are indeed one of our finest ever bands. Brian Crook formed the Renderers with his partner Maryrose in early 90’s Christchurch when The Max Block failed to go anywhere,… Read More »The Renderers


Also known as Eskimo Biography Formed in 2004, Eskimo marked Dave Mulcahy‘s return to the Christchurch music scene, after playing in Superette and solo up north. Playing guitar and singing, Mulcahy was flanked by Rob Mayes (Dolphin, the Failsafe label… Read More »Kimo