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Sleek Bott

Little Stevie McCabe

Little Stevie McCabe has been an underground force in New Zealand music since the early 80s, playing n anarchic form of Rock’N’Roll through a variety of bands – most notably as a key member of The Axemen.

However as a solo musician McCabe was hyper-productive, and when he passed away recently (September 2023) he left behind some 300 unreleased cassette recordings.

#nzmusic #littlesteviemccabe #theaxemen

Robert Cardy

Biography Bob Cardy has a long history of making lo-fi, shambolic and DIY rock music. From the early days of post-Vacuum Blue Ladder Christchurch with the infamous Axemen (then known as Bob Brannigan), through to the eventual rise of Shaft in… Read More »Robert Cardy

The Axemen

A well-known, yet thoroughly underground troop that often swelled in numbers (sometimes up to as many as 10 members in the mid 1980’s). The group have been known for their artistic endeavours as well as their music.

#nzmusic #theaxemen