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Salad Daze

Bygone Era

Bygone Era were a prominent but short-lived late 1980’s rock group with hardcore punk aspirations, during an era when New Zealand had few hardcore punk groups.

They put out an EP, and a split 7″ with The Warners on Onslaught Records label (run by vocalist Rowan Coffey’s brother Simon) before breaking up in 1989, their full length album ‘Get Airborne’ coming out posthumously.

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Not-quite defunct label based out of an Auckland record store that put out several limited edition underground releases in the 90s and early 00s. One compilation of this material (Fit for Kings) was actually issued on well-known US indie Drunken Fish.

Since the closure of the Crawlspace record store, Crawlspace have been limited to short one-off 7″ releases and casually distribution through mail-order and the K-road market. Truly worth visiting, the market is the place to go to find one-off Snapper and Victor Dimisich Band 7″s, and a variety of abstract low run vinyl releases and even imports.

Salad Daze

Robbie Ans Simon Kay, Kieren Cooney, Luke Casey and Miles Gillett. Discography Gib Ep [1991 Sting Sd2] ‘Pulling The Strings’/’It’S In My Mind’/’Intrusion’ Lathe-Cut 7″ [Self-Released] Links BandCamp Page LastFM Photo’s on Flickr