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Neil Finn

Rik Starrr

‘A sort of holiday’ was a one-off 7″ single on Fkying Nun records from the mysterious Rik Starrr – an alias for Edmund Cake, yet to find his fame in the much vaunted Bressa Creeting Cake.

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Edmund Cake

Edmund Cake is the quirky alias of talented Auckland-based musician and producer Edmund McWilliams – or at least it was for his 2004 album ‘Downtown Puff’. McWilliams has made his name with the brilliant trio Bressa Creeting Cake and as a producer to the likes of the Finn brothers, Anika Moa and Bic Runga.

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Biography 2nd generation pop rockers that aren’t too bad. A young Liam (son of Neil) Finn started playing music in his pre-teen years, and he developed quite an ear for good melody. Joined by Matt Eccles (son of Australian hero… Read More »Betchadupa

Crowded House

neil finn’s uber-successful post-split enz band, featuring brother tim and autralian paul hester. Discography picks in bold crowded house [1986 capitol ST240555] temple of low men [1988 capitol ST748763] woodface [1991 capitol 793559-1] together alone [1993 capitol 27048-2] pineapple head… Read More »Crowded House