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My Deviant Daughter

Early to mid 90’s Dunedin dark-pop trio with an album, and 7″ single on the ‘Delerious’ label, plus a Yellow Eye music Dunedin-music compilation appearance.

Weetbix Boys

Dunedin-based skiffle group featuring Simon Vare, Steve Cournane (Alpaca Brothers, C.L. Bob Etc), Andy Scott (Electric Blood) and Richard Morris. Andy Scott left the band in 1989, replaced behind the kit by Donald Harman. The band toured the North Island,… Read More »Weetbix Boys


justin mclean, ben grant, cliff brough and greg cain. their contribution to the dunedin yellow-eye sampler out of the yellow-eye and debut lp were very well-received, but they’ve since disappeared off the map. Discography picks in bold out of the… Read More »Funhouse