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Industrial Tapes

Marie and the Atom

Marie and the Atom were an experimental pop group created as a performance and song-writing vehicle for Gill Civil. The group released 3 boundary-pushing EPs in the mid 1980’s and are best remembered for their song ‘Isol’.

#nzmusic #marieandtheatom

Coalition Broadcasting Corporation

Auckland punky lo-fi group from former Herco Pilots members Chris Williams and Hugh Tercel. During their original run they released 2 cassettes (including one on Paul Lukers Industrial Tapes label) filled with DIY noise – toy instruments, junk percussion and the scratchy possible straight to tape recording possible!

#nzmusic #coalitionbroadcastcorporation

Papakura Post Office

South Auckland punky acoustic trio who released an EP and had songs on 2 compilations, all put out by Paul Luker’s Industrial Tapes DIY cassette label in the mid 1980s. Luker was connected to the group through vocalist Brett Mason, whom he met performing poetry.

#nzmusic #papakurapostoffice

Phantom Forth

Phantom Forth was a post-punk trio from Auckland who released an EP on Flying Nun in 1984 – their sound was influenced by excellent Scottish group Young Marble Giants. Formed by Paul Luker who went on to form side-project This is Heaven and the DIY cassette label Industrial Tapes.

#nzmusic #phantomforth


Hugely popular and influential New Zealand industrial rock act who emerged out of Palmerston North in 1979. Known for their grinding sound (a mix of noisy, scattered and angular guitar and eclectic electronic sounds) and one particularly visual music video – the incredible and universally banned ‘Affco’.

Silent Decree

Really dark and ominous Auckland Goth/Post-Punk 4-piece formed in Howick in 1981. Released an EP on Paul Lurkers Industrial Tapes label before splitting up in 1983. Vocalist Patrick Waller would go on to form The Kiwi Animal, while Andrew Moon was in Goblin Mix.

The Heptocrats

Auckland duo of Mike Knuckley and Brett Higson. Released a cassette and appeared on a live compilation on Paul Lurkers Industrial Tapes label. Had some songs recorded live by Chris Knox and Doug Hood at the Rumba Bar with ‘One More’ turning up on the famed ‘The Last Rhumba’ live compilation on Flying Nun.

Kim Blackburn

Kim Blackburn is a poet and singer-songwriter who put out the ‘Lizards In Love’ album on Flying Nun Records, using acoustic guitar and digital effects to give the album an unusual edge. Her voice has a deep, haunting quality – reminiscent of Nico.

She had previously been associated with underground labels such as Industrial Tapes, performing alongside Sandra Bell on the cassette only release ‘Two Metallic Hearts’.

Normal Ambition

Formed in Auckland ’82 by Jeffrey Bunt, Peter Matich and Gregg McKenzie, and later joined by David Ford on drums (all originally from Taupo), the Normal Ambition recorded two studio albums in 83/84, releasing them on Paul Lurker’s Industrial Tapes… Read More »Normal Ambition


Biography Early Flying Nun Records band who’s sole (commercial) release was a split EP with 8 Living Legs that had major production issues (the Australian printing press accidentally dropped the first song! – as documented in Matthew Bannisters’ Positively George… Read More »Flak

55 Polish Workers

Discography 55/3 Polish Workers Cassette [1984 Industrial Tapes Industrial008] Links BandCamp Page LastFM Photo’s on Flickr

Industrial Tapes

small auckland-based home-taping label from the early / mid 80s that formed an important part of the underground development of new zealand – particularly industrial and punk-edged bands (marie and the atom, skeptics, flak etc).started by paul lurker of phantom… Read More »Industrial Tapes

Ralph Bennett

Biography Members Ralph Bennett (Guitar/Vocals, 1984 – 1986) George Twhiti (Bass, 1984) Kevin Thomas (Drums, 1984 – 1986) Wayne Wilson (Guitar/Vocals, 1984 – 1986) Phil Davison (Saxophone , 1984) Gabriel Alvarez (Bass, 1986) Discography Sitting In Silence, Drowning In Screams… Read More »Ralph Bennett

Sneaky Feelings

The Sneakies were a young and naive pop band discovering the world of music from a distinctly dunedin perspective. In original member Matthew Bannisters’ Positively George Street book, which describes their experience and neglectance to accept the ‘Dunedin Sound’ that… Read More »Sneaky Feelings